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Water is the main component of the human body and essential for the performance of the body’s vital functions. The body works best when it has enough clean water. Therefore, clean water for drinking, preparing food and beverages is essential for good functioning of the body. A healthy life begins with clean water.
In live water – alkaline ionized water is an important ORP, which tells you how much active hydrogen it contains. The more ORP is negative, the more active hydrogen it contains and the stronger the antioxidant is. Alkaline ionized water is also called living water due to its negative ORP. The water ionizer aQuator VIVO provides alkaline ionised water, which is a potent antioxidant, with an ORP up to –700 mV. By comparison, tap water has an ORP +300 mV (it is an oxidant), so such water is dead because it is full of positive free radicals. Alkaline ionized water, with its highly negative ORP, exceeds even the world’s most quality Himalayan living water, Hunza.
That alkaline ionized water live water , confirmed by photographs of ice crystals of correct shapes taken by Japanese scientist Dr. Emoto Masaru. The scientist, who has researched different waters, used the cryoscopy method (rapid freezing) to determine that alkaline ionized water produces crystals of the correct shapes, unlike tap water, where crystals do not form.
live water CBD combines ionized water and water-soluble organic CBD from hemp, which increases the level of pH and increases the number of negative ions, resulting in increased activation of water soluble CBD - yes, i'm sorry. Improved bioavailability means that this product starts working quickly to support your body and well-being.
The most impressive aspect of living water CBD is how her compound CBD in the first place add. In fact, the vast majority of manufacturers use extract extraction technology CBD -yes, oil-based absorption, which ultimately results in only 10%.
In the aQuator ionizer, we make live water in a very short time. In it we can make the required pH of water and the amount of negative ions available with the appropriate setting. Then pour the live water into a glass and add water-soluble hemp HempLight . The amount of hemp is added as instructed by the manufacturer.
When preparing alkalized water add water soluble hemp HempLight Bio Cannabidiol . The amount of hemp is added as instructed by the manufacturer. In this way, we get CBD in living water, which the body can absorb. Instead of Bio Cannabidiol you can also use Bio HH-energy or Bio Bosvelijo, hemp and curcumin.
In the modern world, we know a lot about the damage we cause to the environment, but our water supply is polluted time and time again. There’s a lot you can do about water. When you’re looking for solutions, keep in mind systems that remove heavy metals, chlorine and fluorine. Many community leads add fluorine because they mistakenly believe it is beneficial to the body. That’s far from the truth. Fluorine is actually a by-product of aluminum and nerve venom.
There are water purification systems based on the reverse or reverse osmosis process, as well as those that generate distilled water. These processes are extremely effective, but in addition to poisons, they also remove beneficial minerals. If you decide to use such a system, you must also think of droplets containing trace ions of minerals that you add to water in order to restore solid mineral particles that are removed during reverse osmosis or distillation.