Water ionizer aQuator VIVO

Water ionizer aQuator VIVO


SKU: Ionizator vode aQuator silver-1 Category:

The AQUATOR water ionizer is a household appliance that divides normal drinking water during the ionization process, via a semi-permeable membrane to : basic water and acid water.  Colloidal silver water can also be prepared as an additional option (for some models only).

The AQUATOR water ionizer is a household appliance that divides normal drinking water during the ionization process, via a semi-permeable membrane to : basic water and acid water.  Colloidal silver water can also be prepared as an additional option (for some models only).

The basic water produced by water ionizers is one of the largest discoveries in the health sector, immediately after the discovery of penicillin, discovered by Mr Alexander Fleming

says Dr. W. Kelley of Metabolic Medical College and author of the book “CANCER-Curing the Incurable”


Basic or “livingwater” is a natural stimulant and antioxidant used for drinking, treating, cooking, washing vegetables and fruits, treating animals, plants etc…

Basic water prepared in the AQUATOR device , revives the body, improves health and gives strength, promotes cell regeneration and slows down the aging process, normalizes blood pressure, heals various wounds, ulcers of the stomach and duodenal, regulates the amount of calcium in the blood, has antioxidant properties and removes toxins from the body. Due to smaller molecular connections, it perfectly hydrates the body and significantly improves the solubility of active substances and fats. Excellent for preparing cold drinks and teas or for daily drinking.


Acid or “dead water” is acid to taste acid with a characteristic acid smell and weak smell of chlorine, not for everyday use, just for treatment or disinfection.  The acid water prepared in the AQUATOR device is a natural bactericide and also works antivirus.  Slows down biological processes. Excellent for prevention in the case of cold diseases (grgramo).

SILVER WATER [Ag]Colloidal silver

It is biologically pure water enriched with silver, which destroys not only bacteria, but also viruses. The preparation of silver water is possible only in ionizers with a silver electrode supplied and having Aquator silver or Aquator VIVO silver markings. Perfect for disinfection.

The certified and patented AQUATOR device produces single-filling, 2.3 litres of ionised basic water and 0,7 litres of ionised acid water.

Power 100W
The warranty is 2 years.
Production is in Lithuania at Burbuliukas & Co Uab.
The company has a quality system ISO 9001: 2008.
In accordance with EU Directives, apparatus is marked with the CE marking.

With daily use of ionized basic active water you will always be in a good mood, energetic, you will feel lively with full energy. Mobile, compact, safe and easy to maintain, AQUATOR is a great choice for health-conscious individuals, elderly and young families with children.

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