Bio hemp powder 100 g

Bio hemp powder 100 g


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Bio hemp powder 

Bio hemp powder is made entirely from industrial hemp, which is produced in Slovenia.


  • the product is organic
  • it is produced from parts of the raslinic (pots and upper part of the plant) which are harvested during flowering, when the plant has the most dusty energy.

How do we get it?

It is obtained by grinding the flowers and the upper part of the plant. Hemp flowers and the upper part of the plant are hand-picked and naturally dried. It enhances the vitality of the organism and perfectly complements a balanced diet. Hemp powder is by its properties among superfoa .

How can we use bio hemp powder? 

It is added to the smuti, juices, salads, and can be sprinkled with rice, potatoes and other foods. It also goes very well with yogurt and cottage cheese. The appropriate amount is 1 teaspoon per serving, i.e. 3 teaspoons per day – 100 grams is enough for 1 month. Excellent addition in preparation for the preparation of green smoothie.

How do we store the product?

  • STORAGE: stored in a dry place and sealed packaging.
  • COMPOSITION: dried peaks and industrial hemp leaves – hand-picked during flowering and naturally dried.

We recommend: Bio elixir of life – bio hemp juice

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